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3 Beds
2 Bath
1,500 ft2
74.38 ac
Cochise County
Listing Image
Coming Soon
Opening Bid $300,000
This seller will entertain pre-auction offers. Offers will require a signed contract and earnest money down payment
Auction Starts Feb 24
Current Bid $300,000
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High Bidder: Bidding Open
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Current Increment:
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Remaining Time: 12 Days, 12:10:20
Property Details
Living Space
1,500 sq ft
Lot Size
74.38 ac
Property Type
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Product Type
Private Sellers
Property ID


74.38+/-ac ranch with 62+/-ac fully irrigated. Domestic and irrigation lines are both supplied by 16" diameter, 618' deep well and includes grandfathered water rights. 

Enjoy your own private slice of the wild west perfect for raising horses or other livestock. Plenty of room for a family compound.

Multiple structures onsite including:
· 3BR 2BA 1500+/-sf MFH built in 1995 on pillars that has been affixed
· Outbuilding/Mother-in-Law House - 1BR 1BA w/ small shop and kitchenette
· 2 additional covered outbuildings

Additional Features Include:
· Water Rights
· Pipe Fencing
· Multiple pens/corrals
· 500' Irrigation Pivot

Open Public Inspections: 1-4pm Sunday January 26

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• All properties are sold "AS IS, WHERE IS" with no financing, inspection or other contingencies to sale.

• Escrow. Buyer acknowledges receipt of the Joint Escrow Instructions that modifies the Contract for Sale to provide for a designated Escrow Agent to hold down payment funds. Buyer and Seller agree that the Escrow funds may be held in a trust/escrow account located outside of the state where the Property is located.

· Property Tax Disclosure Summary: Buyer Should Not Rely On The Seller’s Current Property Taxes As The Amount Of Property Taxes That The Buyer May Be Obligated To Pay In The Year Subsequent To The Purchase. A Change Of Ownership Or Property Improvements Triggers Reassessments Of The Property That Could Result In Higher Property Taxes. If You Have Any Questions Concerning Valuation, Contact Property Appraiser’s Office For Information.

· Square Footage/Acreage Disclosure. The source of the square footage or acreage represented for the property is from public record. Buyer understands and acknowledges that square footage or acreage measurements of a property can vary from a few feet to several hundred feet regardless of source (County Assessor’s records, appraisal or appraisal measurement report, survey, etc.). Buyer shall be solely responsible for satisfying that the size and/or square footage or acreage of the property is acceptable to the Buyer.

• Personal Property Not Included.  Only title to the real estate is being conveyed. Personal property may be present, but is not included in the auction. Removal of personal property remaining on site at the time of closing is the responsibility of the Buyer.

· Zone, Code, and Use Disclosure.  Buyer acknowledges that the Property shall be purchased “AS-IS, WHEREIS, WITH ALL FAULTS.” The Property may be subject to city, village, and/or county code or zoning violations, and Buyer accepts the property subject to any such violations.  Buyer agrees to conduct an independent search of all property records in the city, county, and/or village prior to bidding and has bid accordingly.  Buyer shall be responsible for any and all required remediation of the property, if any.  Buyer shall not rely on any information provided by the Seller or Williams & Williams regarding the status of any code or zoning violations, and shall base its decisions on its independent inspection.  Buyer also acknowledges that the property may be subject to city, village, and/or county occupancy regulations and requirements which may impact the current and/or future use of the properties.  Buyer acknowledges that the seller and Williams & Williams make no warranties of any nature, express or implied, as to the permitted uses of the property, and any prohibition of buyer’s intended use of the property shall not be a grounds for terminating the contract.

• Well Potability Disclosure.  Neither Seller, Williams & Williams, nor its agents make any assertions or guarantees as to the condition or potability of the well reported to be on this Property. Buyer is purchasing the Property as-is, where-is.

• Wastewater Treatment Disclosure.  The Property herein has been reported to have an on-site wastewater treatment system/cesspool/septic tank.  Buyer is purchasing the Property as-is, where-is with no warranties or assertions by Seller, Williams & Williams, or their agents as to the condition thereof. The Property may be subject to city/county septic inspections. Buyer agrees to comply with all requirements necessary to complete the inspection and closing, including, but not limited to, obtaining the necessary permits and making arrangements to correct any noted city/county violations at Buyers expense.

• Pictures may not reflect specific parcel, entire parcel, or current conditions of any structures that are present. 

Septic Inspection.   Buyer acknowledges that a state mandated septic inspection may be required prior to conveyance of the Property.  If required, Buyer understands that Seller will order the inspection, and the inspection must be completed prior to closing. Buyer agrees to comply with all requirements to obtain any necessary permits, and shall make arrangements to correct any noted violations at Buyers expense, accepting all responsibility for any remediation, fees, or terms required. Buyer is responsible for submitting a notice of transfer form within 15 days of closing. Buyer acknowledges and understands that neither Seller, Williams & Williams, nor its agents make any assertions or guarantees as to the condition of any septic system, and Buyer is purchasing this property "as-is, where-is". Buyer should conduct an investigation into cost of compliance with septic requirements prior to bidding.

Legal Description

For APN/Parcel ID(s): 403-18-003A 
Parcel 1: The East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 13, Township 20 South, Range 26 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Cochise County, Arizona; EXCEPT the following described Parcel of Land: COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of said Section 13, which is G. L. O. brass cap marked Northeast corner of Section 13; Thence South 00 degrees 23 minutes 12 seconds West, along the East Section line of said Section 13 (the basis of bearing), a distance of 1,754.28 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing South 00 degrees 23 minutes 12 seconds West, a distance of 920.52 feet to a brass cap marked East quarter corner of said Section 13; Thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 920.52 feet; Thence North 00 degrees 23 minutes 12 seconds East, a distance of 62.97 feet to a point on a curve; Thence Northeasterly along the arc length of a curve to the left, having a radius of 1,335.00 feet, a delta of 54 degrees 14 minutes 27 seconds, a chord bearing of North 45 degrees 10 minutes 45 seconds East and a distance of 1,217.15 feet, an arc length distance of 1,263.82 feet to a point at the end of said curve; Thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 62.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.


Parcel 2:
A portion of the West half of the Northeast quarter of Section 13, Township 20 South, Range 26 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Cochise County, Arizona, more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said Section 13, a found GLO brass capped monument, from which the North quarter corner, a found plastic capped pin, bears North 89°58"04" West, a distance of 2,697.23 feet;
thence North 89°58'04" West along the North line of said Section 13, 1,348.69 feet to the Northeast corner of said West half, a found plastic capped pin and the POINT OF BEGINNING;
thence South 00°20 27" West along the East line of said West half, 2,670.66 feet to the Southeast corner of said West half, a found 1/2 inch iron pin tagged RLS 23942; thence North 89°56'12" West along the South line of said West half, 53.69 feet to a point along a North-South fence line, a set 1/2 inch iron pin tagged RLS 23942;
thence North 01°14'51" East along an existing fence line, 2,671.13 feet to a point on the North line of said West half, a set 1/2 inch iron pin tagged RLS 23942; thence South 89°58'04" East along said North line, 11.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;

EXCEPT an undivided one half interest of any oil, gas and mineral rights as reserved in Agreement for Sale between Tom Ross also known as Thomas Ross and Crystal D. Ross, his wife, as reserved in Deed recorded April 21, 1951 in Docket 53, page 457, records of Cochise County, Arizona.

AZ AZ Burris, Hennessey & CO, Lic. No. BR007552000
Quick Terms
  • "As-Is, Where-is", no contingencies to sale
  • Occupied
  • 5% Buyer's Premium ($2,500 minimum)
  • 10% Down-payment ($5,000 minimum)
  • View full Terms of Sale
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