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Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $500,000

Auction Ends in

Current Bid: $550,000

4209 Occidental Hwy
Adrian, MI 49221

2 Beds
2 Bath
1,248 ft2
0.38 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $125,000

1021 W Elm St
LaFollette, TN 37766

4 Beds
1 Bath
1,644 ft2

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $130,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $150,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $130,000

14598 Heyden St
Detroit, MI 48223

3 Beds
1 Bath
1,400 ft2
0.11 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $125,000

7271 Gleason St
Kalamazoo, MI 43048

3 Beds
2 Bath
1,544 ft2
0.83 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $230,000

519 N View St
Aurora, IL 60506

2 Beds
1 Bath
768 ft2

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $175,000

110 Fitzhugh St
Bay City, MI 48708

3 Beds
1 Bath
1,326 ft2

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $30,000

2481 Sweetbriar St
Rapid City, SD 57703

3 Beds
2 Bath
2,560 ft2
0.47 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $70,000

208 Parkview Cir
Kingwood, WV 26537

3 Beds
2 Bath
2,616 ft2
1.63 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $250,000

835 Brad St
Lansing, MI 48911

3 Beds
1 Bath
1,040 ft2

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $85,000

1415 Southern Blvd NW
Warren, OH 44485

3 Beds
1 Bath
988 ft2
7,840 ac

Auction Ends in

Current Bid: $45,000

118 Sisler St
Kingwood, WV 26537

3 Beds
1 Bath
1,219 ft2
0.18 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $60,000

8237 Lambs Rd
Wales, MI 48027

4 Beds
2 Bath
2,052 ft2
11.31 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $230,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $35,000

24792 Chapman Hollow Rd
Elkmont, AL 35620

3 Beds
2 Bath
1,769 ft2
4 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $160,000

14 Cross Street
Wetumpka, AL 36092

3 Beds
1.5 Bath
1,418 ft2
0.13 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $55,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $100,000

604 N. Hook St
Tuscumbia, AL 35674

2 Beds
1 Bath
1,047 ft2
0.17 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $30,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $130,000

911 Tulloch Street
Eden, NC 27288

2 Beds
1 Bath
1,010 ft2
0.25 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $35,000

1416 Mitts Drive
Tupelo, MS 38801

3 Beds
2 Bath
2,012 ft2
0.35 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $145,000

1769 County Road 318
Bryant, AL 35958

3 Beds
2 Bath
1,229 ft2
2.02 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $120,000

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